
Creating art on Instagram and freelancing in hand lettering and graphic design
Jan. 2016 - Dec. 2019

Sharing meaningful words with the world

For about 4 years, I hand lettered under the brand, sherletters. What started out as a simple post to Instagram turned into a full side hustle that allowed me to grow and learn so much about what it means to create opportunities for myself.

At a Glance

Timeline: Jan. 2016 - Dec. 2019 (~4 years)
My Role: Hand lettering artist, freelancer
Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Paper/Brush Pens, Photo editing apps

sherletters gave me the creative outlet to share words that were encouraging and thought provoking. It also taught me to create my own opportunities and be ambitious for my own self development.

Key accomplishments in numbers

Skills learned

sherletters gave me so much

sherletters means so much to me because it gave me the platform to express myself creatively (yes, hand lettering is art!) and I was able to share so many words that inspired myself. The name "sherletters" may have originated from my name, but it really became a way for me to "share letters". Words are powerful, and as I grew with sherletters, I started to use it as a platform to share my Asian American experience as well as to share all of the cool things I was learning in my Asian American Studies classes. I may not be posting regularly on sherletters anymore, but it's given me the foundation to continue being ambitious and to create my own opportunities!

Here are some of my favorite pieces/projects